Monday, October 1, 2007

10 lessons on how to make your marriage last

  1. Make quality time for each other. Take a romantic holiday together every now and then.
  2. Be honest with your partner. Communicate your needs, wants and feelings.
  3. Respect one another.
  4. Accept and appreciate. Pay attention to the positive things your partner says or does instead of harping on his/her bad traits.
  5. Share enjoyable activities together as this helps to strengthen your relationship.
  6. Give each other the space to do your own thing.
  7. Support one another's goals and achievements.
  8. Learn to compromise with each other. Think in terms of 'us' instead of 'me'.
  9. Try not to bring up the past. Instead, learn from experience and concentrate on improving the future.
  10. Be positive. Even couples in the best marriages experience conflict. Don't give up and continue working on your relationship.

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